My Three Rules for Life:
1. Always try your best. Put your utmost effort into everything you do, even if it seems unimportant.
2.When the stress builds up, take a break and stop.
3. Laugh and Smile.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Random Stuff

I just wanted to drop by for a sec! ^^ Something weird happened...

So today, I was eating lunch, when my friend, let's called her Elise, suddenly froze up.
"There's a spider in there" (she was talking about a bag of Cheetos).
Then, my friend, let's called her Erica, checks the bag and say, "Oh my god, it's true!!! >.<"
Everyone started to freak. Man, it was hilarious!!! :D
I ended up being the one throwing the bag away, but just before I did, I looked into the bag to see the spider. It was only 1 to 1 1/2 cm long, black with a little bit of red.
Later, I opened my bag of Cheetos and offered some to my friends. The other two, "Ashley" and "Vicki", were kind of traumatized and refused but Elise and Erica took some. It's funny how the ones who actually ate out of the bag with the spider in it continue to eat the chips -.-
Anyways. That's just a little weird thing that happened today. I mean, how exactly did that spider get in there??? o.o It probably crawled in there while the chips were being packaged (now that I think about it....ew), but how much time has passed since then, and how did it not die from being accidentally smushed? (Also, do spiders need air?)
Eh, whatever... -.-

I've been wondering for a while about whether I should make a second blog. Something different from this one which is kind of like my personal blog + anime/manga and occasionally movie reviews (basically entertainment, right?). At first, I thought about making a fictional blog, with a fictional character writing her own story. Kind of like an online novel that's posted in journal/diary entries.
I even thought about vloging on Youtube or something, since I like to talk. But I'm kiiinnda cautious about the whole "putting yourself on the internet with your face shown and name revealed, etc, etc."  so I don't think that I'll do that anytime soon.
....Hmmmmm... O.o
I'll think about it more.

About Anime/Manga reviews... There are still a whole bunch of good ones out there. -.-
I started my SAO reviews, and am only halfway through it, but I feel kind of bad because the anime ended a couple weeks ago. I guess I can talk about the light novel sometimes too or something.
I'm planning on reviewing a bunch more, like Magico (which I read and finished just a while ago; it was so good TT^TT), Natsume Yujincho, maybe Toradora, Double Arts (really good, but the ending was super rushed :'( It could have been, like, 100 chapters lonng!!!! TT.TT)....there are a bunch of stuff I read/watch out there. Maybe I'll never finish them all O.O

Near the end of my winter break, I read a book called, Take a Bow, that I really, really wanted to do a thorough review on it, but I just never got around to it. I guess I'll just do a post about a whole bunch of manga/anime/books at one time and call it dump??? (kind of like sketch dumps)..nah that sounds weird. What the heck am I talking about... -.-

I remember when I started this blog, I read something that said Blogger let's you type an unlimited number of posts with words on them, but it only let's you post a limited amount of pictures. So, now I'm kind of worried that I'll post too many pictures and go over the limit o.o; Maybe I'm overthinking it, but I just can't help it!!! >.<

*sigh* There are just a whole bunch of things to talk about there. I really  think that I'll never get to finish everything if I post on the weekends mostly. Maybe I should start posting three or four times a week or something.


Anyways, I'll talk to you guys next time, whether it's in a week or tomorrow. Bye! :D

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