My Three Rules for Life:
1. Always try your best. Put your utmost effort into everything you do, even if it seems unimportant.
2.When the stress builds up, take a break and stop.
3. Laugh and Smile.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Free! Episode 3 Reactions

Spoilers Contained Inside!!! You have been warned OwO...

Hi guys! This is my crappy reaction post of Episode 3 of Free! Iwatobi Swim Club! ENJOY!

Reactions During:

  • OMGAHSDKFJ!!! The way Nagisa turns his head against Haru's side is so cute!!! >ヮ<
  • Ryugazaki's a psychic!! (lol more like Nagisa's just predictable)
  • An improvement! Haru's not stripping when he sees water now!
  • "Look at those deltoids!" -Gou Matsuoka ♥∇♥
  • "His biceps were beautiful!" -Gou Matsuoka ♥∇♥
  • The way Rei pushes up his glasses are quite different from other anime characters
  • "It defies reason!" -Rei Ryugazaki ლ(ಠ益ಠლ
  • Finland!! wait, Iceland? (Nah that's just Nitori, false alarm ≖_≖)
  • When Nagisa praises Rei's form while pole vaulting: My shipping senses are tingling! ✧ω✧
  • "Haru-chan-san" -Rei Ryugazaki
  • Yay! The Mastsuoka siblings finally meet in person again!
  • He can't swim (knew it). What are you guys doing hurry up and save him!!! 
  • Gosh the water animation really is beautiful ◕◡◕
  • DAFUQ!?? What's up with that pose!!?? щ(°Д°щ) It's like a huge "✖"!!!

Thoughts After:

  • I bet that there is a NagisaxRei ship out there thanks to this episode. There's probably also RinxHaru, HaruxMakoto, GouxMakoto, GouxNagisa, and GouxThe-captain-guy ships (it's pretty much every character with every other character, really .__.)
  • I feel like there's less manservice. Or maybe I'm just getting used to it (kind of like how once you see so much fanservice, you start to not care anymore and ignore it)
  • There's actually less manservice in each episode than I initially thought ⊙‸⊙
You may have noticed that I included quotes this time. I'm thinking of trying to keep track of everything Gou (and possibly Rei) says just for the heck of it :\
That's all for now! ^^

lol no favorite moment this time :P

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