My Three Rules for Life:
1. Always try your best. Put your utmost effort into everything you do, even if it seems unimportant.
2.When the stress builds up, take a break and stop.
3. Laugh and Smile.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Hello! :D
I feel so bad because recently, I've been totally forgetting about everyone's birthdays. First was my friend, let's call him Nathan, who's birthday was December 2nd (he even reminded me, but I forgot... TT^TT) then my cousin, whose birthday I remembered when my father told me to sign a card for her, and then my dad, whose birthday is either today or tomorrow....(I just remember that my cousin and his birthday are on the 9th and the 10th so I kind of got them mixed up and forgot which day it was on :P) I'm such a bad person. TT.TT I think that I'm also a pretty bad gift-giver because I don't know what other people want. That's probably because I'm not really close to any of my friends. I have never gone to any of their houses before, and only recently invited some of them over to my house (although it was for a school project). I call them friends, but I think that we're really more like acquaintances, which makes me feel bad :'(
I usually make friends with people I like to listen and/or talk to. After a while, when I get to know them a bit better, I either stay at the "same level" of friendship, or slowly lose touch with them, until we barely know each other. I guess you could say that I have a very low commitment with relationships with other people. -.-
Well, yesterday I made a SAO review, right? About the murder cases in the series? You know how I said that it was "also nice is that this is actually part of the light novels too"? (And if you don't, now you know.) I think that I may be wrong... :\
At night yesterday, I was reading the light novel, when I came across a scene that wasn't in either episodes Now you're probably saying, "Yeah, yeah. There's a scene that they cut out from the episodes. So what?" Well, I'll tell you what!!!??? This scene was in fact very important!!!! In it...oh wait I forgot the spoiler warning sign...hold on....


Anyways, in the scene, Asuna, Kirito, and Agil went to the first floor of Aincrad to see the "Monument of Life", which is kind of like a huge stone with all the player's names on it. Once a player dies, his or her name is crossed out, and the time and cause of death are listed by it.
In this scene, the three go to check whether Grimlock is still alive or not, and they find that he is. But, but, they also check Kains' name, and find that he did actually die, as his name was crossed out and the time of his death was correct.
This actually surprised me a lot because if his name is crossed out, then that means he really did die. I don't think that in the game, the server would allow a player to fake their death and cross out their own name. This made me super nervous, because now, I don't know how this side story will actually end. It might have the same ending, or it could have a completely different one.

Recently, I've taken a photography class, and so I've been taking a lot pictures. So, here are some of the ones that I really like ^^

For this picture, I stacked up a bunch of origami boxes that I had made and kept over the years and took a picture from the top.
The assignment was "A New Perspective".

This is of a tree that is actually in my front yard.
The teacher wanted us to take pictures of things with "natural frames". So I took a picture from under the tree looking up. I wanted the branches to be the "frame". 

Before this class, I had never really used Photoshop that much, so this is actually one of the first pictures I used with it. I would say that it is also one of my favorites :D I had been planning on taking this picture for a long time.

I used Photoshop on this picture too. 
I wanted it to look pretty plain, so I just used one of the pixel filters, crystallize (or whatever you call it).

I think that I already posted the original of this photo on this blog before. It should be the one where I threw up my dog's toy and took a picture of it against the ceiling.

This is one of my more recent photos. I'm supposed to be taking a photo essay, and so, after a very hard time of deciding on which topic/theme I should take, I chose the theme of different "leaves".
This one actually came out better than I expected. The leaves curled in and were arranged in little blossoms, so I stuck my camera near the center of the bundles and took a picture upwards. I think I got this on my first shot :D

Well, that's all I have really to say today. I hope you enjoyed my pictures and me talking. ^^ Bye!

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