My Three Rules for Life:
1. Always try your best. Put your utmost effort into everything you do, even if it seems unimportant.
2.When the stress builds up, take a break and stop.
3. Laugh and Smile.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Inu x Boku SS

It's been a while everyone!!! >.<
I've been a bit busy recently. There's just so much work!!!! >n<
Anyways, I just happen to have time right now, so I wanted to make a post! ^^
Today, I'm going to be doing another manga/anime review!!! :D That's right!!! ANOTHER one!!!! :D
Yeah...sorry if you're tired of them already, but I just can't help it!!! There are so many good mangas/animes out there!!! >.<

It's called Youko x Boku SS, and it's a manga with an anime adaption (called Inu x Boku Secret Service; "Secret Service" is what the "SS" stands for) by Cocoa Fujiwara.
It's a Shounen manga with comedy, romance, drama, and most importantly, supernatural characters.
I started off reading the manga, but sadly, it is not completed yet :'( (and I'm only on volume 5 anyways -.-)
I did hear, however, that volumes 1-4 is only Part 1, the introduction. That really surprised me. I thought that we were already in part of the plot. I hope that means that the manga will be very long ^w^

Anyways, Inu x Boku SS (by the way, there are multiple names. I just like this one best) is about a rich girl named Ririchiyo Shirakiin who moves to the luxurious apartment building, Maison de Ayakashi, to live by herself. She has a "tsunshun" personality (I did not make that word up, I got it from the volumes), which is kind of like "tsundere" (when someone is really mean, but cute and nice sometimes, or when a person says mean words with good intentions), except she says mean things, but immediately regrets it and becomes gloomy. People who move to this building get bodyguards from a company called the Secret Service. Ririchiyo originally did not want one, but ends up meeting Souishi Miketsukami, a SS agent, who insists on becoming her bodyguard.

The main characters!
Ririchiyo is the girl with long purple hair in the top row, 2nd to the right.
Miketsukami is the guy with short hair and in a suit, also in the top row, 2nd from the left. 

Earlier, I said that this was a supernatural manga right? Well, to not spoil all of it, I will say this: there are youkai (demons) that live in this building. (Oooooooohhhhhh!!!! Scarrrryyy!!!! Just kidding! There really are youkai characters, but it's still a funny manga.) I will say no more!!! I think you'll understand it better if you read the manga yourself. Also, the first few chapters are a bit confusing, but you'll get the situation better after reading more.
The anime is the same. I suggest that you watch the first 2-3 episodes before deciding whether to abandon it or not. I'm only on episode 6 of the anime, so I don't know that much about it, but it's extremely similar to the manga.

Well, I've run out of time now. I might have more time later in the night, but for now, I have to go back to work.
Bye! :)

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