My Three Rules for Life:
1. Always try your best. Put your utmost effort into everything you do, even if it seems unimportant.
2.When the stress builds up, take a break and stop.
3. Laugh and Smile.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hello everybody! I'm going to try to make this post short.
If you didn't know what I said on the very first line, it's a name of a very popular song right now by Psy. Even though its Korean (K-pop), lots of people love it. Probably because of the catchy beat and rhythm.
Here is its Music Video (one of the weirdest and random-est of all time!!!; be warned, there are very funny and slightly inappropriate parts in it)
There is also a Teens React video on this. Their reactions were also really funny!!!

In case you were wondering, "Why are you posting this so late? "Gangnam Style" has been out for a while now!!" It's because I keep forgetting >_< I actually heard it for the first time a couple weeks ago on the radio.It's TRUEE!!!!! >______<

Well, see you next time!

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