My Three Rules for Life:
1. Always try your best. Put your utmost effort into everything you do, even if it seems unimportant.
2.When the stress builds up, take a break and stop.
3. Laugh and Smile.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Internship

Hey guys, it's been a while!!! ^o^
Well, summer break has already started for me, so that's why I've been lazing (not that I didn't do that before >.>)
Anyways, I literally just went to watch the movie, The Internship, and I gotta say that it was absolutely hilarious. So, I thought I'd blog about it.

Warning. There may or may not be spoilers in the content below...What? I'm too lazy to decide whether I'll spoil things or not, just cut me some slack ( ¯ ^ ¯ )

Since you guys can just "Google" the movie and find out what it's about (ahaha...get it?.....just look up or watch the darn movie already will you? -_-), I'm just going to jump to the parts that I really liked or feel like mentioning.
The Characters
First off, I'm going to start off with my favorites.
I really loved Neha, played by Tiya Sircar, mainly because she's an otaku!!! (and a possible fujoshi) There were a few scenes where she used anime/manga terms, and that made me really happy :) (For example, "cosplay" and "hentai"...yes, "hentai")
The other character I really liked was Stuart. I'm not really sure why I liked him, but I just do. Maybe it's his personality or something. :\
Now, for the jerk-iest character of the movie: Graham. This dude is a total "douchebag" (quoted from Neha) starting from the very first scene he appeared in. I really hate his guts....that is all O_O
There are so many scenes from this movie that really cracked me up, but I don't want to say too many of them....I gotta save some so you guys will enjoy the movie when you watch it °w° *creepy stare*
Anyways, I guess that my favorite moment was when they entered a strippers club (don't worry, its PG-13), and Yo-yo got totally drunk (pfft...the lap dances). That moment was also when the team finally got along with each other and became good friends.
The ending was also really great and satisfying. Two dudes get two girls (Lyle and Nick) and that douche Graham gets hit :D

I also want to mention two other things. 1) I really, really, really, really, really want to work at Google now even though I have no idea how to code and am not old enough to (While I am still under the influence of this movie, I will probably try to learn programming... I tend to be influenced easily). And 2) the credits. I thought that it was a really unique to show the credits through things on Google like Google Drive, search, posts, chats, etc.

To sum it up, The Internship was hilarious and fun to watch :) Before watching it, I had some doubts on what the plot would be about, but it ended up being really good (plus they had an actual theme in it. Yes, "theme" as in the one you find in books)

That's all I have for now! Bye XD

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