Another holiday has come where people receive sweets and get fat (including me) -.-
Anyways, here I have a few pictures that I've taken. It's been a while, hasn't it :)

I used Adobe Photoshop for this picture, and I just really, really like it a lot. It's like a compilement of some the animes that I've liked.
I used Goku from Dragonball, a Gundam, Happy from Fairy Tail, Aincrad from Sword Art Online, a picture of Totoro with a No-Face/Kaonashi's (Spirited Away) mask, medium and chibi totoro from My Neighbor Totoro, Nyanko-sensei and his imposter from Natsume Yujinchou, and fanart of Asuna, Kirito, and Yui from Sword Art Online.
Originally, I had wanted to put the word "Stand" or put a quote about standing up for what you believe in somewhere in the picture. But in the end, I couldn't find a good color for the words, so I didn't.
I used a site called and added effects into the picture. I heard that was better than an instagram, but I'm not really sure since I don't have one. :\
Visit if you want to edit your photos like this.
I also used Pixlr for this photo.
This photo is for my photography class (actually all of these are), so I just randomly wrote, "This is the end" (I have no idea exactly what is ending) and crumpled, folded, and reopened the note.
The original picture turned out better than I thought because of the lighting of the room I was in. After I used Pixlr, it ended up looking even better XD
Again, this is another photo that I used Pixlr on.
I took it on my school campus. ^^
This one I didn't do anything on (no Photoshop or Pixlr or anything).The light is a pen with a flashlight on the back of it.
I remember taking this at around 11 something at night. I was in a really weird posture. My hands were around the pen, so I had to use my foot to click the shutter on my camera O.o
Someone told me that the bottom looks like clouds. Its actually carpet. Though thinking of them as if they were clouds and the light as the sun is pretty cool too. :)

The last one for today is one that I finished on Photoshop today. I took four pictures of my hands in a heart shape. (Two pictures of my left hand and two of my right; I didn't change the size of the parts of my hands, so it took a while to photoshop :\)
It was really hard since I was doing everything by myself. But it looks really nice, so I guess that in the end, it was worth it. :D
I guess that it's fairly appropriate to end a Valentine's Day post with a picture associated with hearts -_-
Bye! :D
By the way, did you know that Valentine's Day was invented by Hallmark cards? Yes, the company that makes cards. Valentine's Day is a holiday made for commercial purposes
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